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The fanciful dream swirled around her waking mind like a sparkly cloud of pastel colors. She rubbed her eyes to see clearer but the gold dust stuck to her skin and got in her eye – burning with irritation she ran to the bathroom to rinse her eyes out with cold water. As she cupped her hands and pushed the cool pool of water up to her face and wiped her hands down her tan cheeks she pondered about her dream still floating in her mind. “Was it real? It sure felt real.” She thought to herself as she padded her face dry with the soft white fluffy towel. Glancing at the cotton expecting to see pastel powder smeared accorss. But the towel was clean. Somewhat dissappointed she turned back to her bed and noticed a large green fairy sitting on the headboard. She rubbed her eyes again and he was still there! “Hello darling!” He said. “You’re in for an adventure of a lifetime!”

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